Valdemar Wiki

The Wolf Crown is the state crown of the Eastern Empire, and designed to overwhelm anyone who approaches the emperor. In Selenay's time, it is made of electrum, and fashioned as a ring of twelve wolves with thirteen yellow diamonds for their eyes. Eleven wolves are seen in profile, the twelfth wolf "obviously the pack leader, gazed directly down onto whosoever the Emperor faced, those un-winking yellow eyes staring at the petitioner even as the Emperor's own eyes did." (Storm Warning, Chapter One)

Like the Iron Throne and other parts of the Emperor's regalia, it was designed to overwhelm anyone who came before the Emperor, reminding them that they are insignificant.


At the time of the Cataclysm, the High King wore the Wolf Crown and ruled over eight County-sized kingdoms.[1]

In Kordas Valdemar's time, the Emperor wore the Wolf Crown but his symbols of office also included the Imperial Ring and the Imperial Carcanet. "... protection spells seemed to be emanating from a single object in the room ... the heavy gold-and-iron carcanet." In his office, there were seven wolf statues that slowly came to angry life when nobody wore the regalia.[2]


  1. Beyond, Chapter 4
  2. Beyond, Chapter 19