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The Hundred Little Gods[1] is the state religion of the Eastern Empire. It venerates the current Emperor and all his predecessors and ancestors.[2] By Selenay's time, there had actually been only nineteen Emperors.[3] The number supposedly refers to past Emperors and their Consorts, which still do not number one hundred, "but it's a nice, round figure to swear by."[4]

When the Empire conquers a new land, the worship of the Hundred Little Gods is imposed alongside whatever religion may already exist in that land. As long as the conquered people acknowledge the Hundred Little Gods, they can also keep their native beliefs.


  1. In Storm Warning, Tremane swears by the Forty Little Gods, but in subsequent books it is one hundred.
  2. Storm Warning, Chapter 10
  3. Storm Warning, Chapter 1
  4. Storm Breaking, Chapter 5