Valdemar Wiki

Nyara was the daughter of Mornelithe Falconsbane, an evil mage who experimented on her and tested out alterations he planned to make to his own body.

He sexually and physically abused her, creating a masochistic connection of pleasure to pain, and forced her to mentally worship him even as she hated herself for it.

He made her exude an aura of sexual appeal, as well as making her attractively cat-like. She had a low, husky, purr-like voice and retractable fingernails, pointed ears with tufts, and golden-yellow eyes with slit-pupils.

She escaped from Falconsbane and found refuge with the Hawkbrothers, and together with Darkwind k'Sheyna, Herald Elspeth, Herald Skif, the sword Need, and many others, she defeated her father.

Over time, and with the help of Need, she became more humanlike and less catlike, as well as more dependent on herself as a person. She fashioned herself as someone who could stand equal to Herald Skif as a partner, so that they could be together without him needing to protect her all the time.

When Falconsbane was finally destroyed once-and-for-all, both Nyara and An'desha (whose body Falconsbane had taken over) were mostly returned to their original forms, with the exception of their eyes and some smaller features.

In the series[]


The manga version of Nyara and Need

Nyara appears in the following works:
